AMACO BRENT Booties extension for legs.
Add height to brent CXC wheel.
These potters wheel risers are designed to assist tall potters who throw sitting down. The brent��_��̦��_̠��_��̦��_��̬����_��婉�_��̦��_̠��_��̦��_��̬����_���_��_��̦��_̠��_��̦��_��̬����_��婉�_��̦��_̠��_��̦��_��̬����_���_ Booties are packaged in sets of three and are designed to fit the brent��_��̦��_̠��_��̦��_��̬����_��婉�_��̦��_̠��_��̦��_��̬����_���_��_��̦��_̠��_��̦��_��̬����_��婉�_��̦��_̠��_��̦��_��̬����_���_ EX, CXC, C, and B potters wheels (also fits ie and ie-x models made after January, 2009). brent��_��̦��_̠��_��̦��_��̬����_��婉�_��̦��_̠��_��̦��_��̬����_���_��_��̦��_̠��_��̦��_��̬����_��婉�_��̦��_̠��_��̦��_��̬����_���_ Booties are reversible, allowing you to raise your wheel 2 or 4 inches depending on your need.