Keane Ceramics is excited to be presenting our first online class about clay. Following the incredible feedback on our Making With Keane tour in 2023, we decided to offer this experience in an online format.
We’ve been making clay for over 40 years, and we’ve had a lot of questions about it. What defines an earthenware? What is vitrification? Which temperature should you fire to? There is a lot to consider when it comes to choosing the right clay for your project. We’re here to help!
Presented across 6 video modules by CEO Babette Keane and Operations Manager Maddyson Hatton, Making With Keane is designed to give you a fundamental understanding of clay. We won’t teach you how to sculpt or throw, but we will share with you our knowledge of the material, helping you make informed decisions in your creative practice.
Using Keane's wide range of clay bodies as examples, the class will take a deep dive into the properties of Earthenware, Mid Fire, Stoneware, Porcelain, Grogged and Paper clay.
Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned maker, if you love clay, Making With Keane is for you!